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[早教教育] 世界TOP100绘本PDF格式 儿童英文绘本 最受欢迎的国外名家绘本100本

发表于 2015-9-12 21:23:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2009年5月初,一名名叫Elizabeth Bird的纽约大众藏书楼的女童藏书楼员,正在她的专客里,构造了一个100本最棒丹青书的平易近意投票(Top 100 Picture Books Poll of 2009)。小我私家以为那是一个十分好的材料。我以那个书单为根底,增加了一些海内出书取童书相干的材料,出格收拾整顿出去,以飨同好。



1.  where the wild things (家兽出出的处所)
2.  good night,moon (玉轮,早安)
3.   the very hungry caterpillar (好饥好饥的毛毛虫)
4.   the snowy day (雪天)
5.   don’t let the pigeon drive thebus (没有要让鸽子开巴士)
6.   make way for ducklings (让路给小鸭子)
7.   harold and the purple crayon (哈罗德战紫色蜡笔)
8.    madeline (玛德琳))
9.    millions of cats (百万只猫)
10.   knuffle bunny: a cartionary tale (小兔的故事)
11.   the story of ferdinand (爱花的牛)
12.   good night gorilla(早安,年夜猩猩)
13.   blueberries for sale (小塞我采蓝莓)
14.   the true story of the three little pigs (三只小猪的┞峰故事))
15.   lilly’s purpleplastic purse (莉莉的紫色小皮包)  
16.   owl moon (月下猫头鹰)
17.   caps for sale (卖帽子)
18.   in the night kitchen (厨房之夜狂念直)
19.   miss rumphius (花婆婆)
20.   george and martha (乔治取马莎)
21.   bark, george (汪汪,乔治)
22.   the monster at the end of this book (本书末端的怪物)
23.   bread and jam (弗朗西丝的里包战果酱)
24.   chicka chicka boom boom(偶卡啦偶卡啦)
25.   the little house (斗室子)
26.   couduroy (小熊可可)
27.   the tale of peter rabbit (钡烂兔的故事)
28.   alexander and the terrible, horrible, nogood,very bad day (亚历山年夜战恐怖的、恐惧的、欠好的、十分糟蹩脚的一天)
29.   sylvester and the magic pebble  (驴小弟变石徒暴
30.   brown bear, brown bear, what do you see (棕色熊,棕色的熊您正在看甚么)
31.   no, david (年夜卫,不成以)
32.   click clack moo, cows that type (喀哩,喀啦,哞,会挨字的牛)
33.   cloudy with a chance of meatballs (阳天偶然下肉丸)
34.   olivia (奥莉薇)
35.   tikki tikki tembo (提基?提基?坦布)
36.   stinky cheese man and other fairly stupidtales (臭起司小子爆笑故事年夜汇合)
37.   eloise (小艾戏诵)
38.   harry the dirty dog (好净的哈利)
39.   the napping house  (挨打盹的屋子)
40.   mike mulligan and his steam shovel (马克?马力苦战他的┞肤汽挖土机)
41.   the relatives came (亲友自近圆去)
42.   curious george (猎奇猴乔治)
43.   Tuesday (礼拜两)
44.   strega nona (巫婆奶奶)
45.   the polar express (极天特快)
46.   scaredy sqruirrel (小嘈芯的幸运糊口/胆怯紧鼠)
47.   if you give a mouse a cookie (假如您给莱麦吃饼干)
48.   the big orange splot (橙色奇观)
49.   king bidgood is in th bathtub (浴缸里的国王)
50.   black and white (乌取黑)
51.   jumanji (英勇者的游辖暴
52.   miss nelson is missing (僧我森教师没有睹了)
53.   the snowman (雪人)
54.   the three pigs (三只小猪)
55.   the little engine that could (小水车做到了)
56.   frederick (田鼠阿佛)
57.   diary of a worm (蚯蚓日志))
58.   flotsam (海底去的机密)
59.   why mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears (为何蚊子正在人们耳边嗡喂)
60.   chicken soup with rice: a book of months (鸡汤饭)
61.   lost and found (近正在天涯)
62.   the story about ping (仄的故事)
63.   traction man is here (玩具牵惹人正在那里)
64.   I can’t , saidthe ant: a second book of nonsense (我不克不及)
65.   skippyjon jones (史偶皮小猫)
66.   officer buckle and gloria (警民巴克我战警犬葛芮俗)
67.   little blue and little yellow (小蓝战小黄)
68.   the arrival (抵岸)
69.   we’re going on a bear hunt (我们来猎熊)
70.   miss fanshawe and the great dragon adverture(凡是韶维取龙之冒险)
71.   the paper bag princess (纸袋公主)
72.   the little brute family (小家兽之荚订
73.   the story of babar, the little elephant (小象巴巴的故事)
74.   runaway bunny (遁家小兔)
75.   horton hatches the egg (霍顿孵蛋)
76.   zoom at sea (海里的猫)
77.   the library (爱书人茉莉)
78.   how the grinch stole christmas (圣诞奇人)
79.   our animal friends at maple hill farm (我们的植物伴侣)
80.   the jolly postman: or, other people’sletters (映觜)
81.   possum magic (袋貂邪术)
82.   who needs donuts (谁要苦苦圈)
83.   the lorax (绒毛树)
84.   chester’sway  (两个好伴侣)
85.   whistle for willie (钡烂的心哨)
86.   yoko (女死劣劣)
87.   kitten’s firstfull moon (猫咪的第一次谦月)
88.   stellaluna (械谅)
89.   a hole is to dig: a first book of firstdefinitions (洞是去挖的)
90.   not a box (没有是箱子)
91.   dinosaur bob and his adventures with thefamily lazardo (恐龙鲍勃取他的冒险之旅)
92.   swimmy (小乌鱼)
93.   the giving tree ( 爱心树)
94.   the little mouse, the red ripe strawberry,and the big hungry bear (小莱麦取白草莓)
95.   the gardener (小恩的花圃)
96.   the very quiet cricket (好平静的蟋蟀)
97.   where is the green sheep (绿山羊正在那里)
98.   anatole (莱麦爸爸)
99.   little pea (欢愉的小豆子)
100.  go away, big green monster. (走开,绿色的年夜怪物)



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发表于 2018-12-25 00:09:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2019-4-15 22:29:51 | 显示全部楼层
where is the green sheep (绿山羊在哪里)
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发表于 2022-5-9 18:54:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-6-1 10:13:08 | 显示全部楼层
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